Women In Philanthropy Summer Networking

Thursday, August 22 | 5:00-6:30 PM
Cooper & Co. Home + Gift, 2211 Winthrop Rd

Join United Way Women In Philanthropy to shop Cooper and Co.'s exquisite collection of home goods and network with other like-minded women.

When you mention United Way you can amplify your impact because 15% of your purchase will be donated to United Way’s Virtual Book Drive to help build at-home libraries for young children. Please be sure to mention United Way when shopping!

 All shoppers will have the chance to enter to win a gift card to Cooper & Co. Home + Gift. Winner will be drawn at 6 p.m. Plus, a cash bar will be available while you shop. 

 We look forward to seeing you there. Please use this registration link to let us know you are planning to attend.


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