Our Impact


This initiative is a joint undertaking by the Women United (WU) and the Emerging Leaders United (ELU). Together we’re identifying and addressing the disadvantages that children and families face in local elementary school communities to ensure children and their families, regardless of circumstances, have the opportunity to succeed in school and life through these key strategies:

Early Childhood Development

GOAL: Preparing children for kindergarten.

Family Engagement and Support

GOAL: Engaging parents with the school.

Adult Education

GOAL: Teaching both parents and students English.

Mental Health and Family Support

GOAL: Address behavioral and emotional barriers to learning through the support of a school-based therapist.

Extended Learning Opportunities

GOAL: Enrichment outside of the classroom to enhance development opportunities and reduce summertime grade level loss.

Youth Development

GOAL: Providing students with strong role models through mentoring relationships to foster educational engagement.

Prevention Services

GOAL: Reaching out to families in their homes to build safe environments and prevent child entrance into protective services.


Giving Children A Jump Start To Their Education

Because of the pandemic, many children in our community are behind in their schooling. High school graduation rates fell in our community last year for the third year in a row and United Way is seeing challenges at all grade levels.

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Recite Me accessibility and Language Support
Recite Me accessibility and Language Support